Unlock Body Dance Vision: Exhibition and Workhop

Unlock Body Dance Vision: Exhibition and Workhop

Body In Transit
This chapter's research partner is the lecturer of philosophy of travel at The Chinese University of Hong Kong Dr. Wong Kim Fan. He will converse with dancers who frequently travel and tour, and create an exhibition on the theme of the roaming body.


Date: 2019.01.14 (Mon) - 2019.01.24 (Thu)
Venue: Sir Run Run Shaw Hall
Presenter / Co-presenter:

Unlock Dancing Plaza, The Office of the Arts Administrator (Collaborative Partner)


Joseph Lee, Wayson Poon, Justyne Li, Wong Pik Kei, KT Yau, Ivy Tsui

Target Audience: CUHK Students, Staff, Alumni and Public
Fee: Free
Enquiries: 3943 1928


Online registration or ticketing
