Integration and Combination: Kurt Chan talks about the transcultural practice of Chinese and Western paintings
Originally a Friends of the Arts limited event, it is now open to public to sign up!
*Talk Registration Deadline:2023. 11. 2*
*Guided Tour Registration Deadline:2023. 11. 16*
When Chinese painting meets Western painting, the choice of emptiness and concreteness, leaves space and fills with colours. The variation of painting creates immense imagination and vividity.
The fusion of Eastern and Western cultures became the characteristic of Hong Kong for many decades. How does it apply to art and what was its development? In this artist sharing session, we have invited Prof. Kurt Chan, a professional artist and educator to share his art journey with us. A guided tour of his exhibition and a gallery visit will be arranged in November. Join us to find out the art of Hong Kong!
Artist Introduction
Prof. Chan Yuk Keung, Kurt
Kurt Chan obtained his BA from the Department of Fine Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and his M.F.A. from the Cranbrook Academy of Art, Michigan, U.S.A.
He is an artist as well as an educator with a wide range of research interests, such as Hong Kong art, public art and mixed media. His research outputs mostly presented in the form of exhibitions, curatorship and publication. Over the years, he has participated in over 80 local and overseas exhibitions, including the 51st Venice Biennale and the 2nd Asia Pacific Triennial.
Talk : 2023.11. 3 (Fri) 6:45pm – 8:45pm
Guided Tour : 2023.11.19 (Sun) 3pm - 6pm
The Office of the Arts Administrator
Remarks for Friends of the Arts member
- Kurt Chan's art tour includes 2 sessions (talk and guided tour). It will be total deducted one event quota from the FTA scheme
(Please note: if you only available join one part of the art tour, it will also be deducted one quota)