Hé The Rite of Spring
Heaven, Earth, Man
Bring out the essence of Chinese culture with Dances,
Achieve a healthy Future with Movements
The performance includes The Rite of Spring and Hé Dancing with The World.
Composed by Igor Stravinsky, The Rite of Spring was first performed famously at Paris in 1913. At its 110th anniversary, Miranda Chin Dance Company choreographs again with creativity, with the essence of Eastern and Western dances, typical martial arts – tai chi. Aspiring to reflect the uniqueness of Hong Kong culture, it is a tribute to the writer and composer, enhancing the cultural and artistic exchange with France, to reach a mutual harmony by modern dance.
2025.01.14 (Tue)
Presenter: Miranda Chin Dance Company
Venue Partner: CUHK The Office of the Arts Administrator
1. The programme is free-seating.
2. Latecomers will only be admitted at a suitable break or may not be admitted.
3. The organiser reserves the right to make changes to the programme without prior notice.